Binge Eating Disorder: Reason, Causes, and Ways to Control It

More than 2.8 million adults in the US are suffering from Binge Eating Disorder. Having no control over what you are eating or consuming large portions in one go can be a symptom of Binge Eating Disorder. The worst part is a lot of people don’t even realize that they're suffering from this condition.

Here, we are going to learn all about Binge eating disorder, its symptoms, and possible treatment. Note that there is no proven cure for this disorder, your doctor may use a combination of practices to control excessive eating.

Symptoms of binge eating disorder

Binge eating disorder is often confused with disorders like Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia. A person suffering from these disorders would eat a large amount of food and then try to vomit or over-exercise to burn calories. But, that’s not the case with Binge eating disorder.

In the case of BED, The person may diet or cut on meals to compensate. Unfortunately, this will lead to more bingeing.

To better understand it, here is a list of symptoms:

If you are facing any of these symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible. Most people find it difficult to manage these symptoms and with time their condition degrades both mentally and physically.


There can be many possible reasons behind binge eating. Some of them can be:

Genetic structure

Genes with eating disorders run down the family line. This means, that if one of your parents binged, you are likely to inherit the disorder. People with such genes respond highly to dopamine, causing them to eat more and more often.


In a recent study, it was found that Binge Eating disorder is more likely to be found in females than in men. 60% of the individuals suffering from Binge Eating Disorder are women. It can be because of emotional turmoil and biological factors like hormonal changes.

Modified brain structure

For any reason, if there have been changes in your brain structure. It might cause a lack of self-control, leading to a Binge eating disorder.


Weight is not just the result of a Binge eating disorder, but also a potential cause. 50% of patients, who need weight loss surgery are also suffering from BED. The more you weigh, the more will be your unwanted cravings, leading to BED.

Emotional Trauma

Emotions play a huge role in balancing your eating habits. If you are happy and satisfied, you are less likely to binge. On the contrary, those who are stressed, depressed, or have faced any trauma will use food as an escape.

Fad Diets

Another reason for binge eating is fad diets where you are forced to cut on calories and certain food items. Continuous deprivation of food can lead to craving, which triggers Binge eating disorder.


There can be multiple triggers to binge eating, you need to find yours. Self-assessment of the symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder is quite difficult. You might need professional help to understand what’s causing you to eat so much.

Work pressure, obesity, emotional trauma, self-pity, and stress are the most common triggers of eating disorders. Start with maintaining a diary and logging your food consumption. After a week, analyze it to see what has been causing you to eat so much.

Track the time of the day you are more prone to eating junk, what you are eating, why you are eating, and how you feel afterward. Understanding these patterns will help you develop a course of action to eliminate cravings and binge impulses.

Dieting has become the new norm in our society, especially among youngsters. Mindful eating is one thing, but depriving yourself of food generates a higher risk of Binge eating disorder. The more you cut on food items, the more you will crave it.

Instead of following fad diets, choose a sustainable and more mindful option. Focus on healthy eating by including food items like fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed meals.

Another mistake is eliminating certain food groups from diets like fat and carbohydrates. Rather than completely excluding it, focus on a more balanced intake of good fats, natural sugar, and whole grains.

Due to work, travel, or moodiness, we often ignore our food schedule, which results in cravings. A recent study shows that those who stick to their eating schedule are less likely to binge eat. This means you need to eat small and wholesome meals at regular intervals.

Plan your meals, so there is no last-minute excuse to skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You can consult a nutritionist to create a food plan that best suits your calorie requirements.

In case, you want to munch on something, try some healthy alternatives like roasted seeds, foxnuts, fruits, and salads.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that one should consume a glass of water before every meal. This one step can decrease your calorie intake significantly, ensuring you eat only what’s needed.

Even modern science advocates drinking plenty of water to avoid overeating. So, before every meal, consume a glass of water. i.e. 300 to 500 ml to mimic fullness of the stomach. It’s a proven method and of course a simple one with greater benefits.

Instead of munching on snacks like chips, satisfy your hunger pangs with snacks like cottage cheese, roasted chickpeas, hard cheese, and Greek yogurt.

Food rich in protein suppresses hunger by releasing Glucagon-like peptide 1. So, the next time you plan a meal, include at least one source of protein. You will feel fuller for longer hours, reducing the chances of cravings.

A high protein diet also aids in losing weight and fat mass. Meat, eggs, legumes, seeds, and nuts are some rich sources of protein.

Another nutrition you should include in your diet is fiber. A high intake of fiber is associated with reduced cravings. Consuming 16 grams of fiber every day can increase steatogenic and incretin gut peptide production. As a result, you will feel more satisfied with what you eat.

Increase your fiber intake by including food items like lentils, beans, artichokes, pears, avocadoes, raspberries, bananas, carrots, beets, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Binge eating disorder is more common in those who sleep late or for fewer hours. When you sleep less, your body releases increased levels of Ghrelin (a hunger hormone). On the other hand, the production of Leptin decreases significantly. This messed-up release of hormones will cause you to eat unnecessarily.

Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. It is also important to maintain your sleep quality. The best trick to achieve good sleep is to go to bed by 10 pm, create a dark and cold environment, and keep your gadgets away.

The biggest culprit for someone going through a Binge eating disorder is a pantry full of unhealthy snacks. Get rid of everything packaged, processed, and unhealthy like chips, candies, and colas.

There should always be some healthy sweet and savoury options in your kitchen to satisfy your hunger pangs without stimulating them. Stock up on some healthy alternatives like edamame, Greek yogurt, legumes, carrot sticks, nuts, and seeds.

Do read the labels for the list of ingredients, before you buy something. A simple packet of muesli can contain a high amount of sugar, which can secretly ruin all your efforts.

During weekdays, you might not get enough time to prepare a nice meal and end up eating, unhealthy. Meal prep is the way to set you up for a healthy lifestyle and eliminate issues like Binge Eating disorder.

Take a few hours out of your Sundays, create a meal plan, make a list of groceries, and stock up the pantry. You can chop, bake, and freeze in bulk to save time on the weekdays. Give it a shot and when you get comfortable, you can add many healthy recipes.

People who are happy with their appearance are less likely to binge eat. So, if you are too conscious about your weight and are constantly keeping a check on it, it can be a red flag.

Checking your weight, every time you eat a piece of cake is not helping. It messes up your brain by lowering your confidence and triggering self-pity. Put away the weighing scale and focus on inner happiness.

Check your weight once every 15 days or only when you visit your health care provider. Experts often recommend meditation, yoga, or a game of your choice to stay happy.

Whenever we feel stressed, we bend towards food for comfort and to feel happy. You need to understand that the actual culprit here is the problem which is giving you stress and food is not the solution, but rather a temporary escape.

Get onto the root of the problem and see how it can be solved. Most often, a close friend or family member can point out both the problem and the solution.

Talking to someone about your feelings and emotions can reduce overeating. If you are not comfortable to talk about your issues, start journaling. Pouring down your feelings on a piece of paper can unburden the negative emotions.

Take Professional Help

The last resort for someone unable to manage the symptoms of Binge eating disorder is seeking professional help. Depending on the severity of your condition, your healthcare provider will recommend a course of treatment.

The treatment options range from focusing on mental health to reducing weight, changing eating patterns, or a combination of these.

The most common treatment options for Binge eating disorder are:

CBT focuses on your thoughts and behavior to find a pattern or a trigger that causes binge eating. Once the cause is known, your therapist will set a goal for you and will help you achieve it.

Interpersonal psychotherapy is a deeper understanding of your emotions like grief, trauma, or lifestyle changes, that can trigger binge eating. Depending on the findings, your therapist will introduce some constructive changes

Dialectical behavioral therapy assumes binge eating as a negative response to emotions. To tackle it, your therapist will focus on mindfulness and ways to tackle negative emotions.

In extreme cases, your healthcare provider can also prescribe medication to curb your hunger.

What you need to understand here is Binge eating disorder is not a condition that’s associated with self-control and willpower.. Anyone suffering from it, needs medical attention, even if it’s in the form of basic therapy. So, instead of struggling with it in the long term or ignoring the symptoms, seek medical help.

For some people, this condition is short-lived, while others face it throughout their lives. If left untreated, Binge Eating can become the cause of several life-threatening diseases.

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