Anita Marci Christine

There’s a change happening in my practice that fills me with a whole mixture of emotions.

Christine Laker, who has worked with me since 2019 (and even before that as a graduate student and intern!) is spreading her wings and moving on to her own private practice. Christine remains the Regional Nutrition Manager for Renfrew (woot!) and will keep a small virtual practice, which you can learn more about here.

Christine has been an incredible asset to my practice since day one. She is kind-hearted, driven to learn and grow, and fiercely committed to her clients. Christine is one of the most dependable and hardworking providers I’ve ever had the pleasure to work alongside. Mentoring and supporting her these past several years has been an absolute pleasure.

Hence, the mixed emotions!

Sadness: while we aren’t saying goodbye, I will have far fewer interactions with Christine and that makes me sad!
Excitement: to see what this next chapter looks like for Christine.
Satisfaction: at the growth I’ve witnessed in Christine over these past several years.

meet unexpected change with more ease and grace

If you and I were sitting together right now, sharing a conversation, I’d be curious to know:

How do you respond to and handle change that is outside your control?
What emotions does change (good or bad) stir up in you? You’ll likely observe a mixture of emotions, even opposing ones happening simultaneously.
What is your internal dialogue about change, especially when you aren’t seeking it out?

Change, particularly change outside of my control, has taught me two valuable life lessons:

There is beauty in a dialectic – when two opposing truths exist at the same time. I’m allowed to feel sad and excited all at once. I am fully acceptable just as I am right now and there’s room for growth.
Impermanence (hello Buddhism!) is a guarantee. I have found that caring about, but not being overly attached to, certain aspects of my business has helped me meet unexpected change with more ease and grace. Holding this particular dialectic has been one of my most important practices at work.

We are at the start of a New Year and change is headed for each and every one of us. It’s my hope that you’ll have more room in your heart for all of the unexpected emotions and challenges it brings up for you.

If you are someone or know someone struggling with eating disorders and needs help from a dietitian – nutritionist, please reach out and book a call. Anita Dharwadkar on our team is available for new clients and we would love to talk about how we can help you heal. Reach out to Anita.

If you are a clinician looking to expand your own skills, I want to share that mentoring and supervising my employees means a lot to me. My career has taught me how much I love helping others learn and grow. That’s why I began creating online courses back in 2015. .  Head over to my ​online training institute​ if you’d like to learn more about my offerings for eating disorders and body image counseling.


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